Anyone involved in squirrel hunting knows that things have changed over the last several years. We now have Collars that cal when properly used make a dog pay attention. We also have collars that have one of those satellites linked to them that can track our dogs, tell us what they are doing and help get us back to the truck and many other things, which I can't figure out yet:) We have skinning aids that take a once stressful job which required two of us kids to perform, and turned it into a one man operation that is a lot quicker. our squirrel pouches are not just sticks that we cut and run through their feet any more either. Our dog boxes can be insulated,  un-insulated diamond plate, lucabond and all manner of materials. You can get them with storage or without and even in the form of a trailer, but it is all personal preference. At High Forest Kennels we rely on our stuff to help make things easier for us so this is a page devoted to Supplies that feel are helpful!

Our Stuff
Upcoming Events
Our Story:
We will be hosting a youth squirrel hunt "weather permitting" in the near future!
tools of the trade​
Contact us:​
(931) 628-2289​

Koonts Skinner
We have a two dog system with a Garmin Astro 320 GPS and a DC-40 Collar. We have really enjoyed this unit and plan on switching to the Alpha system some day.
Tracking System
I shoot a Tactical Solutions XRing 22 rifle topped with a Nikon Pro staff 3x9x40 EFR scope designed for rim fire rifles and this combination makes for a tacdriver!
Squirrel Nest Boxes
We put out Squirrel Nest Boxes for the Squirrels in areas where the timber is young and there are not any den trees which have higher success rates for raising young than just leaf nests alone.
Tritronics Shock Collar
We use shock collars, but in our opinion, if you are not sure how to use them, DONT! Get someone experienced to help you because you can ruin  a good dog in a hurry! We have had really good success with the Tritronics line of collars.